Winter Solstice Notes

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Iโ€™ve always had a fondness of the dark. It feels safe. To merge with blackness. A womb space. Solace. Like the cloak of the dark goddess around me. Asking me to tend my inner flame, stoke the fire in my heart & cultivate clear sight, laser night vision!

As we enter the longest night of the year I invite you to reflect on your relationship with darkness, the unknown & liminal spaces. With the uncomfortable or painful. Can you lean into how that feels in your body. Presence & breathe with it.

The nature of darkness is unlimited, an infinite ground, from which the light arises & dances. Yet, we as the dancer, so often chase the light. We rush through the dark tunnels, turn away from what we perceive as darkness in the world & within ourselves. This build walls around our hearts & between us, as humans.

This is the time for us to descend as shadow trackers & night walkersโ€ฆthe descent invites us to be with, in the being with we can claim & integrate not only the parts of our self, but the pieces & fragments of our world, our humanity.

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Letโ€™s dare to break down old ideas of what is good and bad, to challenge everything, ask questions where there are only statements.

Be willing to let the ground crumble beneath us and to rip out the rotten roots.

It is the time to listen closely, deeply, to the earth, to the whispers of heart and the muffled howl of your gut that knows something new wants to be born.

Rest within your inner tomb space, let the grief of what is dying within and without reach and move through every cell and layer of your being. Give space and prepare to be quite literally rearranged. Re-aligned. From the core through to how you breathe, move, care and serve this one precious life.

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Becoming Unbound